Wednesday, May 20, 2009

a writer and a blogger's thought...

Writing has been the string that keeps the oxygen tank working on my life whenever I’m confined to the depth of my feelings, secluded to the burst of my matter’s constitution and comatosed due to clogging emotions. Writing has been my figuratively comfort food. It’s the way I express the kaleidoscope spirits of mine. I’m a man of many faces and I show them through writing. I don’t write simple words or complicated either. I write words, with sense, palpitations, beats, tears, screams, convictions. Writing is also my way of comforting people in dire deed. Basically, pen is my long-time companion- a best friend.

I barely disagree with what a journalist said, not to mention his name, from a prestigious University in the country. “I hope you do not believe in the saying writers are born not made. That’s not true. Writing is a God-given gift and a God-given skill.” It seems that my gray matter howls that writers were both born and made. “Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers”. Journalists and writers are often sustained with random facts of information that makes one knowledgeable in this field. However, these are not pretty enough, if we don’t have the lingering wisdom from the culmination of lessons learned from our life experiences since, for me, one isn’t righteous to be called “a writer by nature and a writer by heart.” Writing is actually a big blessing from God; it’s also a skill that is waiting to be cultivated. One’s passion for writing is innately present; God gave the opportunities to seize for one to be skilled—for one to completely have what the “QUILL ARDORS”.

I’ve been a man of words in paper since. I know how it is when the words don’t come. Back during my high school hurrahs, four years I was writing for our paper and I was the Editor-in-Chief for two consecutive years. And now another major ultimatum was posed unto me, to be the head of our college paper early by now. Being an Editor-in chief of our college paper, I mull it over as a big blessing from God and It was actually also a hilarious nightmare for me, ‘cause for a college freshman, it’s a cumbersome pressure to lead your ates and kuyas in the paper. I have been writing on papers for two reasons, I WANT TO and I’M ASKED AND TASKED TO. Creating my blog is the way I PUT MY MIND ACROSS THE WEB. It seems almost the same as writing on as a campus journalist, but this time it’s done PASSIONATELY.

I’ve already experienced rejections at my works, which proved, life really sucks and gave me the reason to hold on still. We cannot please everyone, to each his own. When I was on those very shoes I was able to accept challenges posed unto me, and because luck had it or God let it, I was able to endure and accomplish such.

Writing is about having the capacity of uniting the dignity of the generalized others with the empathy for the concrete other. As its best does this; it extends your vision of the world by making you see the world through the eyes of the others, the wit why I brought you my blog title “MIND ACROSS THE WEB” —the way I perceive things, the way I write them, the way I share, the way I inspire you through the web.

Being a writer whether on a paper or on the net, is a real pain in the neck, most of us says it’s “a call for duty”, but for me it’s more than that, its “beyond the call for duty”—it’s a call for the pursuit of passion, a call for transforming ordinary things to extraordinary, a call to share, a call to inspire and—A CALL TO WRITE.

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